Brass Key Title Group provides timely & thorough title & escrow services to customers throughout central & southeastern Kentucky.

Title Examinations

Abstractors at Brass Key Title Group perform a comprehensive search of all public records pertaining to the property you wish to purchase.

Professional abstractors piece together the chain of title to ensure that complete ownership is vested in the Seller. The search then involves a thorough review of all relevant records over a designated search period. The examination may include off-conveyance deeds, liens, mortgages, encumbrances, easements, court filings, and tax records, among other instruments.

Closing Services

Once title has been examined, the team at Brass Key Title Group work diligently to prepare your transaction for closing day.

If there are liens, mortgages, or issues to resolve, BKTG professionals will promptly gather payoff letters and obtain necessary pre-authorization.

Closing documents are drafted as clearly as possible to ensure that all parties understand the elements of their transaction. The goal is to achieve a seamless closing, and to do so as quickly as the nature of the transaction will allow.

Title Insurance

Brass Key Title Group, Inc. is an agent of Chicago Title Insurance Company.

Title insurance is required by some lenders and our company provides various title insurance policies tailored to individual transactions, including all standard endorsements.

Title insurance involves a very reasonable, one-time premium, and provides buyers with the added comfort of protection regarding hidden defects in title. Title insurance rate quotes can be obtained using the Rate Quote Calculator Tool.

You’re moving in the right direction.

Professional title and closing services minimize the burden on buyers, sellers, and their agents, and reduce the risk of error or omission in the closing process.

McKee Office

(606) 287-5291

150 Water Street West
McKee, KY 40447